The logic of the thinking mind is the metaphysics of reality. The real is the rational. The rational is the real.

The presence of the universe is the presence of evidence. The presence of evidence in the form of the universe provides premises. Those premises enable us. We can make valid logical inductive inferences. We can make myths. Myths cannot be verified to be true. Myths can not be verified to be false. Myths are unverifiable and unfalsifiable. An infinite number, diversity, and variety of myths are made possible by the totality. 

Validity is the quality of being logical or factually sound. The validity of myths follows from two definitions of the word valid. The two definitions are a logical definition and a pragmatic definition.

The logical definition of the word valid is: having a sound basis in logic or fact; reasonable or cogent. The logical definition of the word valid leads to a conclusion. The conclusion is. Each myth is an equally valid possibility. 

The pragmatic definition of the word valid is: producing the desired results. Let us suppose. The desired results are happiness, good health, and prosperity. In that event, optimistic myths are more valid. Pessimistic myths are less valid or even invalid.

Belief in the value of pessimistic myths has a capacity to produce emotional imbalance in our minds. Emotional imbalance in our minds is not conducive to happiness and good health in our lives. For those reasons, I suggest. We devalue pessimistic myths.

Belief in the value of the most optimistic myths has a capacity to produce emotional balance in our minds. Emotional balance in our minds is conducive to happiness and good health in our lives. For those reasons, I suggest. We value the most optimistic myths.

The logic of the emotional mind is associative. People communicate ideas. People use similes, metaphors, and images. Similes, metaphors, and images are associative elements.  People use these elements in literature, film, poetry, song, theatre, and opera. The elements speak directly to the emotional mind. The elements symbolize reality. The elements trigger a memory of reality. The emotional mind takes the elements to be the same as reality.

Religious authority figures speak in the language of emotion. They teach in parables, fables, and stories. Religious symbol and ritual make little sense from a rational point of view.  Religious symbol and ritual speak to followers in the vernacular of the heart.

My emotional mind follows its own logic and its own rules. One element stands for another. The emotional mind need not define things by their objective identity. The appearance of things can be far more important than the actuality of things. My rational mind makes logical connections between cause and effect. My emotional mind is indiscriminate. Some things have similar striking features. My emotional mind connects those things.
