Was Building Civilization On a Lie Our Biggest Mistake?

One totality exists. For that reason, we are parts of the existence of one totality. Ideas are thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about the existence of one totality. Truths are ideas that can be verified to be true. Myths are ideas that can not be verified to be true or false. Lies are ideas that can be verified to be false. I verify the truth and falsity of ideas by use of my senses and perceptions. My senses and perceptions are limited. For that reason, the amount of truth that I can know is limited. The amount of truth that I can know is limited by the alien, fractal, infernal, temporal, characteristic attributes of my seed body. The amount of truth that I can know is limited by my proximity to a specific point in energy, space, and time. The amount of truth that I can know about an infinite subject in finite. For that reason, I know next to nothing about almost everything.

For at least the last ten thousand years, much of civilization has been built upon a lie. The lie is that a myth is a truth. Over time the game of survival and sacrifice selects for the myth that best ensures the survival of the myth. The myth that best ensures the survival of the myth is the myth that best motivates communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight, and out number competition. The myth that best motivates communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight, and out number competition, is a myth that turns people into zombies.

Zombies are people who have been psychologically cornered into doing whatever it is that zombie masters say is the will of a good one in Heaven.

With threats of abominable infernal torment, and promises of divine eternal bliss, the clergy psychologically corners communities of faithful believers into doing whatever it is that the clergy say is the will of a good one in Heaven. In so doing, the clergy make themselves into zombie masters and make communities of faithful believers into zombies.

Zombie masters don’t usually micromanage the zombies. The zombies are semi-autonomous, are otherwise intelligent, and can think for themselves. And most of what the zombie masters say is the will of a good one in Heaven is very appealing to the zombies. The zombie masters tell the zombies. It is the will of a good one in Heaven. Be fruitful and multiply. Of course, being fruitful and multiplying makes outnumbering competition possible. The zombie masters tell the zombies. It is the will of a good one in Heaven. Work all hours of the day from dawn to dusk. Working all of the hours of the day from dawn to dusk makes outworking competition possible. The zombie masters tell the zombies. It is the will of a good one in Heaven. Fight against anybody who is not doing the same thing. Fight against anybody who is not believing the same way. Fighting against anybody who is not doing the same thing makes outfighting competition possible. Fighting against anybody who is not believing in the same way makes outfighting competition possible. Communities of faithful believers out number, out work, and out fight competition and the myth survives.

But what about the survival of communities of faithful believers? Does the survival of the myth also best ensure the survival of communities of faithful believers? Let us suppose. Communities of faithful believers do not survive in the game of survival and sacrifice. In that event, most likely the myth will not survive either. For that reason, a relationship does exist between survival of a myth and survival of communities of faithful believers. What is the nature of this relationship? Is it a symbiotic relationship? Is it a parasitic relationship?

Remember, I am writing about a lie here. The lie is that a myth is a truth.

A lifelong indoctrination in the lie causes people to lose the ability to correctly sort ideas into categories of truth, myth, and lie. Let us suppose. The ability to correctly sort ideas into categories of truth, myth, and lie is lost. In that event, so too is the mind lost. So building civilization upon a lie has caused people to lose their freaking minds.

How does losing their freaking minds best ensure the survival of communities of faithful believers?

The lie creates certitude and high morale. Certitude is an absolute certainty or conviction. Morale is confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline. High morale makes members want to succeed as a group. Certitude and high morale insure. Zombies obey. The myth best ensures the survival of the myth. The myth enables communities of faithful believers. They demonize enemies. They deify self and friends. They are totally uninhibited in the wholesale slaughter of outsiders, if need be. The myth best motivates communities of faithful believers to outfight competition.

The myth also includes a standard of conduct. The Ten Commandments are an example of a standard of conduct. The standard of conduct promotes intra-group cooperation. Intra-group cooperation correlates with survival of the group. Intra-group cooperation is cooperation amongst members of a group. In this case, the group is a communities of faithful believers. The communities of faithful believers requires members to value a lie. The lie is. A myth is a truth. The way the standard of conduct works is: Let us suppose. A person is part of the group. In that event, the group conforms a standard of conduct. The group treats the person like a friend. Let us suppose. A person is not part of the group. The person is an outsider. In that event, the group deviates from a standard of conduct. The group treats the person like an enemy. Thereby, a myth that best insures the survival of the myth creates for people a strong incentive to believe in the one true myth like communities of faithful believers do.

The existence of one totality makes possible an infinite, number, diversity, and variety of myths. What happens when more than one true myth appears in the global culture? What happens when competing communities of faithful believers self-organize around different myths? Exponential population growth, depletion of natural resources, abrupt climate change, habitat loss and a zombie apocalypse, is that what happens?

Numerous zombie apocalypses have occurred during the last 10,000 years. A zombie apocalypse occurs when competition to rule drives the ruling class to buy influence over communities of faithful believers from the clergy. And in exchange, the clergy proclaim that the will of the ruling class is the will of a good one in Heaven, and order their zombies to march off to their deaths in war. Zombies who believe the above described myths will confidently and willingly march off to their deaths in war. They will do so with high morale. Because they will think, believe, and expect. All that the zombie masters tell them about the will of the good one in Heaven is true.

Zombies need not worry because the myth that best ensures the survival of the myth promises zombies a big reward after they march off to the deaths in war.

The clergy will tell communities of faithful believers something like this. God is on our side. The enemy does not believe in the one true myth, and therefore is evil. The enemy is in league with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth, and therefore must be destroyed. The will of a good one in Heaven is that you march off to your death in war. If you obey the will of a good one in Heaven, then a BIG reward awaits you after you march off to your death in war. You will be resurrected! You will be given a body of perfect form and function. And you will be transported on a cloud to the far off Kingdom of Heaven, wherein; you will gain entrance to King’s Gods castle. You will experience divine eternal bliss as you and the royal court party with the royal family consisting of King God, Queen Holy Spirit, and Prince Jesus. But, if you disobey the will of a good one in Heaven, then a big punishment awaits you after you disobey. You will be resurrected. You will be given a body of perfect form and function. And you will be transported to a torture chamber in Prince Satan’s dungeon underneath King God’s castle. You will experience abominable infernal torment for all eternity as you receive your punishment for disobeying the will of a good one in Heaven. The will of a good one in Heaven is that you march off to your deaths in war. You have a free will. What are you going to do?

“One million species of animals and plants are hurtling towards extinction, because of human behavior”.

Yes human behavior has been sad, mad, and bad. This sad, mad, and bad behavior is leading humanity down a path towards human extinction. We can see the possibility of Armageddon, abrupt climate change, habitat loss, and human extinction on the horizon. Yet human beings seem unable to change their own sad, mad, and bad behavior. This is your luck day because I am going to tell you the reasons why humans seem unable to change their own sad, mad, and bad behavior. The reasons humans seem unable to stop their own sad, mad, and bad behavior is because we built civilization on a lie. We built civilization upon the lie is that a myth is a truth.

That was a big mistake. It was a big mistake, because the body consuming biosphere is not a static system. The body consuming biosphere is a chaotic dynamic system. This chaotic dynamic system has the characteristics of a game of survival and sacrifice. Over time, the game of survival and sacrifice has selected for a myth that best ensures the survival of the myth. The myth that best ensures the survival of the myth is a myth that best motivates communities of faithful believers to out work, out fight, and out number competition. The myth that best motivates people to out work, out fight, and out number competition, is a myth that enslaves people to the will of the ruling class.

For at least ten thousand years, a paranoid, oppressive, violent few have concentrated wealth, income, and power into their own hands.

Concentration of wealth, income, and power into the hands of a paranoid, oppressive, violent few makes the competition to rule homicidal, genocidal, and even suicidal at times. For that reason, the needs and interests of a ruling class are to achieve and maintain authority, power, order, and control. The lie that a myth is a truth provides a ruling class with the tool that the ruling class needs to achieve and maintain authority, power, order, and control. All that a paranoid, oppressive, violent few who concentrate wealth, income, and power into their own hands, need do, is buy influence over communities of faithful believers from the clergy. And in exchange, the clergy will proclaim to communities of faithful believers that the will of the ruling class is in fact, the will of a good one in Heaven.

The paranoid, oppressive, violent few who concentrate wealth, income, and power into their own hands find that they can order communities of faithful believers to vote against their own best interests. The paranoid, oppressive, violent, few who concentrate wealth, income, and power into their own hands find that they can order communities of faithful believers to march off to their deaths in war, if need be. And if communities of faithful believers are sufficiently indoctrinated, they will march off to their deaths in war with certitude and high morale. The myth that best motivates people to out work, out fight, and out number competition, enslaves people to the will of the ruling class and makes houses of worship into institutions of spiritual slavery.

The ruling class has held reality hostage.

For the last ten thousand years human thought has been warped by the needs and aspirations of the ruling class to achieve and maintain authority, power, order, and control. Because all along the ruling class has been supporting institutions of spiritual slavery, buying influence over communities of faithful believers from the clergy, and ordering zombies to march off to the deaths in war. Zombies please hear me. Don’t try to prove a myth with a myth. Don’t try to prove a myth about the existence of a good one in Heaven at war with an evil one cast down to and ruling over Earth, with a myth about the existence of exclusive divine revelations of spiritual truth.

What does their use of the lie that a myth is a truth tell us about the ruling class?

Their use of the lie that a myth is a truth tells me that the ruling class does not consider zombies to be a part of their group. Because if the ruling class did consider the zombies to be a part of their group, then the ruling class would not be lying to them. And if a ruling class does not consider zombies to be a part of their group, then the ruling class deviates from a standard of conduct that promotes intra-group cooperation. The ruling class behaves in an anti-social manner. The ruling class treats zombies like an enemy. The ruling class lies to , steals from, cheats, conquers, enslaves, and kills zombies. And so when the ruling class orders zombies to march off to their deaths in a war. The war is against the zombies.

How do we liberate zombies from the spiritual slavery that follows from the lie that a myth is a truth?

The only person who can liberate a zombie from the spiritual slavery that follows from the lie that a myth is a truth, is the zombie. The zombie must wish to be liberated. Those zombies who wish to liberate themselves undergo a spiritual awakening. They awaken to a freedom of choice. The freedom of choice follows from a truth. The truth is that a myth is a myth. They awaken to a freedom of choice that follows from the truth that a myth is a myth.

They humbly admit that they know next to nothing about almost everything. They recognize that the existence of one totality makes possible an infinite number, diversity, and variety of myths. They no longer proudly claim to have discovered the one true myth. For that reason, they no longer proudly claim an ability to know the one true myth. They acknowledge the truth that a myth is a myth.

They assert their own authority to make up their own minds about themselves and about all that they find. They are the truth seekers. They are the myth makers. They are the high ideologues of the houses of ideologies. They are the architects of the models of the existence of one totality that they build within their own minds. They are the authorities that make up their own minds about themselves and about all that they find.

The existence of one totality has given them freedom of choice. Out of an infinite number, diversity, and variety of myths that are made possible by the existence of one totality, they have freedom to choose the myths they will use to ornament their models of the existence of one totality. They have the freedom to choose the myths that they value. Each chooses to value myths that enable self to achieve and maintain an emotional balance of the mind. This emotional balance of the mind is conducive to happiness and health in their lives.

You can change your own reality.

I am going to tell my dear readers another secret. This secret is a doozy. The zombie masters of the ruling class probably don’t want my dear readers to know about this secret. The secret is: You can change your own reality. Reality is the way things appear to be. The way things appear to be follows from the model of the existence of one totality that you build within your own mind. The model of the existence of one totality that you build within your own mind is made up of a body of ideas. But these are not just any ideas, these are values. Values are ideas that you value. So you can change the ideas that you value. If you change the ideas that you value, then you change the model of the existence of one totality that you build within your own mind. If you change the model of the existence of one totality that you build within your own mind, then you change your own reality.

Ideology fashions reality.

An ideology is a body of ideas. Usually an ideology reflects the needs and aspirations of an individual, group, class, and or culture. The ideology that a zombie uses to fashion reality reflects the needs and aspiration of the ruling class. The needs and aspirations of the ruling class are to achieve and maintain authority, power, order, and control. The ideology that you use to fashion reality in your mind does not have to reflect the needs and aspirations of the ruling class. Because you have freedom of choice. You are the truth seeker. You are the myth maker. You are the high ideologue of the house of ideology. You are the authority that makes up your own mind about yourself and about all that you find. You are the architect of the model of the existence of one totality that you build within your own mind. And for those reasons, the ideology that you use to fashion reality can reflect our common needs and aspirations. Our common needs and aspirations are to achieve and maintain happiness and good health.

Do you know what a professional is?

A professionaI is a person who puts up a front. A professional seldom if ever shares any details about the reality that they fashion within their own minds. So you seldom if ever get to learn how professionals fashion reality within their own minds. For that reason, you seldom if ever get to know how professionals answer the grand enigmatic questions of identity. What am I? Where am I? When am I? How am I? Why am I? Who am I? So professionals seldom if ever reveal who it is that they think they are. Who do you think that you are? 

I will tell you who I think that I am.

I am the truth seeker. I am the myth maker. I am the high ideologue of the house of ideology. I am the authority that makes up my mind about myself and all that I find. I am the architect of the model of the existence of one totality that I build within my own mind. For those reasons, I can change reality. Reality is way that things appear to be. I can change my values. My values are ideas that I value. Ideas are thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about the existence of one totality. One totality exists. For that reason, we are parts of the existence of one totality. I can change the myths that I value. Myths are ideas that can not be verified to be true or false. And I can change reality by changing the model of the existence of one totality that I build within my own mind. I have freedom of choice. I am free to choose the myths that I use to ornament my model of the existence of one totality. And by changing my reality, I change my behavior. Because my behavior is partly determined by the reality that I fashion within my own mind. 

Are we in an emergency situation right now?

Our body-consuming biosphere is our habitat. Our habitat is in a state of disease. This state of disease has been brought on as a result of the sad, mad, and bad behavior of human beings. If enough people were to change their reality in a correct way, then maybe a glad behavior of human beings could return our habitat to a state of good health. 

But what is the correct way of changing reality?

We are born into this world naked, infantile, and ignorant. And as we grow and mature, we human beings discover the truth about the impending disease and death of our fractal, infernal, temporal, seed bodies. The discovery of the truth about the impending disease and death of our fractal, infernal, temporal seed bodies produces powerful emotional forces of sorrow, fear, and anger. Some people do not know how to use ideas to balance the emotional forces of their minds. For that reason, those some people experience an unbalance of the emotional forces of their minds. This state of profound emotional unbalance leads those people to exhibit sad, mad, and bad behavior. Changing reality so that reality balances the emotional forces of the mind would seem to be the correct way of changing reality. We can think of balance as a state of equilibrium reached by cancellation of equal opposing forces. Force is the capacity to cause change. So our values act as forces upon our emotions. Our emotions act as forces upon of our behavior.

How do we balance of the emotional forces of the mind?

We balance sorrow, fear, and anger with joy, faith, and love. The our values act as forces upon emotions. If we value ideas that produce powerful emotional forces of joy, faith, and love, then these powerful emotional forces of joy, faith, and love will balance the emotional forces of our minds. The most optimistic ideas act as forces upon our emotions and thereby produce powerful emotional responses of joy, faith, and love. The most optimistic ideas are the most optimistic myths.

What are the most optimistic myths?

The most optimistic myths are myths about the existence of infinite abundance. An infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit; these are an infinite four. The infinite seed consists of an infinite number, diversity, and variety of large universes of the correct kind to support living infernal fractal entities. The infinite body consists of the seed bodies of all of the living infernal fractal entities within all of the infinite number, diversity, and variety, of large universes of the correct kind to support living infernal fractal entities. The infinite soul consists of all of the souls within all the living infernal fractal entities. The infinite spirt consist of an infinite divine eternal one, who manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit. I think of the infinite four as a family. The family consists of Mother God, an infinite divine eternal one, Father love, an infinite number, diversity, and variety of large universes of the correct kind to support living infernal fractal entities, and the Soul Children, the living infernal fractal entities formed from the union of Mother God and Father Love. Spiritual liberation is achieved and maintained by affirming the authority of self to make up mind about self and all that self finds and choosing to believe that all souls have been, are, and always will be saved in the love freely given by the spirit of an infinity divinity eternally one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times, and manifests for the purposes of enjoying entertainment as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit.

How do you verify the accuracy of a model of the existence of one totality that includes myths and fantasies?

I do not know how to verify the accuracy of a model of the existence of one totality that includes myths and fantasies. I know next to nothing about almost everything, but next to nothing is still something. We are actors in the drama of life and death. Each of us portrays a character of our own creation.  We ornament our models of the existence of one totality with myths and fantasies. And this enables us to create the characters that we portray as actors in the drama of life and death. Creating the characters that we portray in the drama of life and death is of value to us in establishing our identities. Establishing our identities in this way enables each of us to give profound answers to the grand enigmatic questions of identity. Who am I? What am I? Where am I? When am I? How am I? Why am I?

I answer these grand enigmatic questions of identity in a way that produces the highest esteem of the existence of one totality.

I am the High Ideologue of the House of Ideology. I am seed body joined with soul spirit to form life. I am located in a body-consuming biosphere on a crusted magma globe with a sun and a moon reproducible in a galaxy of stars, in a universe of galaxies that is one of an infinite seed body of large universes of the correct kind to support living infernal fractal entities. I have been, I am, and I will be eternal. I am created by an infinite divine eternal one that is in everything, everywhere, at all times and manifests, for the purposes of enjoying entertainment, as an infinite seed, an infinite body, an infinite soul, and an infinite spirit. I am living for the purpose of providing fractal infernal temporal entertainment to our divine eternal soul spirit.

The ancients summed up the whole of human wisdom in the maxim, know thyself.

Without answering grand enigmatic questions of identity, I would experience an identity crisis. I believe there is for me no more important as there is no more difficult knowledge than knowledge of myself and I express this knowledge of myself by building my model of the existence of one totality. I find the most optimistic way to answer the grand enigmatic questions of identity surrounding the existence of one totality. Doing so enables me to produce emotional balance in my mind that is conducive to happiness and health in my life

Within our global culture, communities of faithful believers self-organize around a favored way of ornamenting a model of the existence of one totality with myth. This way of decorating a model of the existence of one totality with myth helps communities of faithful believers to create an identity for themselves. With their favored ways of ornamenting a model of the existence of one totality with myth, communities of faithful believers answer the grand enigmatic questions of identity surrounding the existence of one totality. They explain to themselves and to the rest of the global culture who, what, where, when, how, and why they are, and how they came into existence. Through art, music, drama, science, and myths of creation, they explain the existence of one totality. With ideology, they fashion reality.

It may be of paramount importance to the continued survival of our species that we learn to answer these grand enigmatic questions of identity surrounding the existence of one totality in a manner that leads us to have the highest esteem of the existence of one totality. Perhaps if we recognize the limitations of our senses and perceptions; adopt an agnostic position;  and ornament a model of the  existence of one totality with myth and fantasy, that produces the most optimistic thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about the existence of one totality, then we will put ourselves in the best possible position to take control of our emotions, overcome obstacles, and progress towards victory. Maybe if we devote energy, space, and time to thoughts, beliefs, and expectations about higher self and higher world, then doing so will lead us to a higher future.